
Milk, not solid food

Stop me if you have heard this one before…

“I just wish this preacher would give us the meat of the word, not just the milk all of the time…”

“I think I will need to go to this other church because they really get into the meat of the word of God.”

“Wow, we got the meat today!”

I remember when I first heard people say things like this, thinking that it sounded very strange to me. I tend to be a meat-eater myself, enjoying eating that much more than a glass of milk any day!

At the same time, frequently, I found that I actually liked the message that had been given that day. What was the problem?

The person saying this was saying that they thought the preaching was too elementary for them. They want to go “deeper”. They want to dig into the word of God and go line by line, if not word by word. They want to understand the original Greek and the Hebrew meanings of each word so that they have more knowledge, more understanding.

And that is all fine. No problem.

But if you are the one responsible for doing the teaching, how do you know that the people are ready for this “meat”, or solid food, as Paul calls it? Let’s see what Paul said about it:

Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ.  I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.  You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?  For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?

1 Corinthians 3:1-4

The church in Corinth had several problems, but one of the biggest issues was that of divisions within the church. As he says here, some were saying that they followed Paul, others Apollos. In other places, they also say that some follow Peter, and others Jesus Christ.

The point is that they were divided. They were jealous of one another. They were arguing. In short, they were worldly. As a church, little had changed. They were acting the same after they came to Christ as they did before.

These same types of things happen even today. I’ve seen evidence of it in churches. I’ve seen evidence of it in various missions. Whether we are talking about this specific type of worldliness or another, the values of the world constantly try to seep their way into the church.

It is a shame on a few different levels. First, because it steals the glory that God deserves away from him. Both as a result of the people within the church not honoring the Lord completely as well as others not being able to fully see the difference between what it means to follow Christ, loving him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. God should be able to receive glory as a result of the change within the people for whom Jesus came to give himself upon the cross. And what is more, he should be able to receive glory as a result of more people knowing God because they want the beauty of the life that they should see in other believers.

But on another level, it is a shame because it means that the people are not growing in their faith. Only as a result of their growth should their teachers make the decision to take the next steps to teach them more, to teach them deeper topics. Maybe it is possible for the people to understand the concepts of placing their faith Christ in their mind, but following Christ is not just an issue of understanding, but of doing. Jesus said that we can show our love to him by obeying him, by doing what he said to do, not just understanding what he had to say.

Once the people of the church are able to not only understand, but they begin to obey Christ and no longer “produce the fruit” of the world but instead produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit, then they are ready for solid food. Before then, just as Paul said, they continue to need milk, that which is for spiritual children.


Message of wisdom

Paul was dealing with a difficult situation in Corinth. In fact, there were several difficult situations, with everything from incest to lawsuits amongst the believers. From sexual immorality to significant questions about whether someone should be married or stay single. From eating food that had been offered as a sacrifice to idols to whether or not a woman should cover her head in church.

One question, one problem, after another, Paul faced as he wrote to the church in Corinth.

However, the one problem that he started with was the problem of division in the church. Some people were saying that they followed Paul, some said that they followed Apollos. Others said that they followed Peter. And some said that they only followed Christ. The people were aligning with the various leaders that had either come through Corinth to teach the people, or that they knew about because of the messages that the people who had taught were teaching them.

In reality, these are no different than the problems that we see today. We routinely see that churches will split as a result of personalities driving wedges between the people of the church. Often those personalities will look for a type of authority, of power, that they can exert over others in the church, and thus we see splits within the church with people desiring to support one person or another.

This is a similar situation to what we see here in Corinth, except that Paul and the other teachers weren’t trying to create their own type of power. No, instead, Paul insists that his only message was to make Christ, and him crucified, known to the people. That was the message. That is all that he brought. That was the wisdom that he could offer.

But Paul points out that his message, of course, did not actually seem like a wise message at all from the perspective of the “mature”, from the viewpoint of those that were the rulers of that age. In fact, it seemed like nothing but foolishness.

Your message is about a guy who was killed?

Your message is to tell people that they should follow someone who seems to have failed?

But Paul points out that there is a significant difference between the wisdom of God and the wisdom of people:

We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”—
the things God has prepared for those who love him—

these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:6-10

The wisdom of men is to follow people that seem to be a success from a worldly perspective. They have accumulated wealth and power. They have amassed fame. And yet, as Paul says, they are coming to nothing. The power and success of this world is nothing. We are here for a moment in time, and then we are gone.

We know this truth by our instinct. We know that death is coming. We know that our lives are only temporary, and yet we are continually enticed by the attraction of wealth, power, and fame. In this way, through these values of the world, we can have significance. Other people will lift us up. Other people will glorify us. Even if it is for a short while, we will receive glory and honor, even if it is amongst other people who will also only be here for a short while.

Paul says, however, that his message is not based on the wisdom of this world. His message is based on the wisdom of God, and the wisdom of God speaks of Christ crucified. And why should this be considered to be wisdom, let alone the wisdom of God? Because it is eternal.

By placing our faith in the wisdom of God, by placing our faith in Christ who has been crucified, we place our faith in that which will go on forever. The glory with which we participate is not a glory that is temporary. It is a glory that is eternal because it is a glory that goes to the one who is eternal, to Jesus Christ himself. Instead of receiving glory to ourselves, we give glory to him and we participate in his joy and glory because through his death and resurrection, we are allowed to enter into his kingdom and live with him forever. Physical death has no hold upon us because we will live forever, glorifying the king forever.

This is the wisdom of God. We do not live for today. We live forever. And that is the message of wisdom that Paul brought to the Corinthian church and that we bring even today, in our time.


The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

I have spent quite a lot of time over the last few years teaching and talking about how we, as followers of Christ, can “produce fruit”.  For example, Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees that they must produce fruit in keeping with repentance. In our context, very frequently, given that we are often teaching about making disciples, we focus on multiplying disciples as a definition of producing fruit.  And I think that is an accurate representation of what several of the scriptures intended, but it isn’t necessarily complete as we think about what it means to produce fruit.

We see at least one other type of fruit noted within the New Testament.  The fruit of the Holy Spirit.

I see this as an extremely important topic because there is one way, and really only one way, that we can know that we are in Christ and have been saved:  If we have the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God himself, living within us, then we have been saved.  We cannot know it because of something that we have done or because of something someone else has told us.  When we are saved, God seals his promise to us and within us and identifies us as his own by placing his Holy Spirit within us.

An obvious question, as a result of understanding this, should then come up:  How do I know that I have the Holy Spirit?

There may be a few different ways that we can know this, and the answer may depend upon the theology of the person that you are asking.  However, my intent is to make my answer to this question as simple as possible by way of using an analogy to understand the answer to this question.

Let’s assume that you are looking at a tree, and you think that it might be an apple tree, but you aren’t sure.  How would you know for sure if this tree is an apple tree?

Aside from checking its DNA or knowing some of its other characteristics, what would be the most obvious way to know that this tree is an apple tree?

We would know that it is an apple tree based on the fruit that it produces.

Does it produce apples?  Then yes, it is an apple tree.

Yes, I understand that answer seems pretty simple, and you might even say simplistic, but it is an easy answer and the easiest way to know if this tree is an apple tree.

In a similar way, Paul has written to the Galatian church and explained to them that they have been set free in Christ.  In Christ, they are free from the ties to the Law and from the shackles of sin and death.  Instead, through their faith in Christ, they can know God.  They will be God’s people under the new covenant that God made with his people through the blood of Christ.

And as they place their faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, that it will save them also and they will be able to know God through him, then God will mark them with the Holy Spirit.

Yet Paul takes some additional next steps as well to explain how they, the Galatians and each of who read this letter, can know that they have the Holy Spirit, that they are “walking” by the Spirit.  He explains to the Galatians that they will produce the fruit of the Spirit.  Instead of indulging the desires of their flesh, they ill produce the fruit of the Spirit.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23

When we understand that the fruit of the Holy Spirit includes these things, we can begin to ask ourselves:

Do I have the Holy Spirit living within me?  Am I walking by the Holy Spirit?  To answer these questions, and to feel like we have come to the right answer instead of simply answering the question in the way that we would hope the answer to be, we can ask even further some additional, simple questions:

Did I just answer my friend and his questions or criticisms in love?

Do I feel joy as I go throughout my day?

Am I treating my wife, or my kids, with patience or kindness?

Am I exercising self-control in this difficult situation?

If the answer to those questions is Yes, then as a believer in Christ, you are walking in step with the Holy Spirit.  You are producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  If you are not, if you answer No to those questions, then it is probably time to go back to Square One, back to the beginning, and repent.  Repent of the things that you are doing wrong.  Repent of the things that are preventing you from producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  God offers grace and mercy and loves you, but he wants you to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit, so you must walk in step with the Spirit that he has given you.

Another way that we can think about this is from a negative point of view.  Even before pointing out the fruit of the Spirit, Paul says that the ways in which we indulge our flesh, instead of producing the fruit of the Spirit, are obvious:

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:19-21

Paul groups these “acts of the flesh” into various categories:

Sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery – These are pretty easy to point out as acts of the flesh.  These are the things that are easily and often shamed within our societies.  Sexual sins where, instead of using our bodies in the way that God intended, we use them to simply gratify ourselves.

Idolatry and witchcraft – Once again, these are pretty easy to understand as acts of the flesh.  Idolatry and witchcraft place other spirits or other gods before the one true God, the only God.  Instead of worshiping God, we are calling upon other gods or invoking other spirits to serve us.

Hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy – Now we are diving more deeply into the everyday lives of many people, even today.  Are you taking part in arguments and cause discord?  Are you angry?  Are you jealous or envious?  Do you cause or take part in dissension?  Do groups or factions – us vs. them – spring up around you, or do you take part in them?

Drunkenness, orgies, and the like – Again, these are some of the sins that seem to be fairly easy to understand as not belonging to the life of a follower of Christ.

My point is that we should think carefully about the fruit that we are producing.  If we say that we are followers of Jesus, and God has placed his Spirit within us, then he has called us to freedom.  But our freedom is so that we can produce the fruit of the Spirit.  And when we produce the fruit of the Spirit, we are also fulfilling all of the commandments that God has given. We can know that we are walking by the Spirit by the fruit that we are producing.


Children of the free woman

Last night, I was talking with my friend who is studying Islam. He is a Christian but in his attempt to understand Islam and help others to know Christ, he is studying Islam to help these people exit and follow Jesus.

In the course of the conversation, my friend looked up from his studies and simply said:

If I was a Muslim and knew what is in the book that I was following, in the religion that I was following, I would be in despair. I would be so sad.

I won’t go into the detail of what he meant by that at this point, but I was reminded of that this morning when I read what Paul wrote to the Galatians as they were seeking to know God by following the Law.

As I wrote previously, the Judaizers had come into the Galatian churches preaching that, Yes, these Christians must follow Christ, but they must also follow the Law. They must do everything that Moses had commanded them to do. They must follow the commandments that God had given all of the way back to Moses if they truly wanted to follow God. For example, God had commanded Abraham that the men of his people must be circumcised, so all Israelite men would then subsequently be circumcised.

Some of the Galatians began to believe and follow what the Judaizers had been teaching them. There were enough people that were doing this that it alarmed Paul enough to write a letter to pull them back from doing it. Paul had experience with where the Law would take them. Paul knew the futility of trying to keep the Law as a way to be justified by God. He knew that their attempts would lead to nothing but despair.

And so for this reason, and because many of the people that he was writing to were Gentiles and not Jews, thus not having all of the background that Paul had given that he was a Pharisaical Jew, Paul asks them: Do you even know what you are asking for by trying to follow the Law? Do you know what it says?

Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. His son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a divine promise.

Galatians 4:21-23

Paul goes on to say that Abraham’s two wives represented two separate covenants, two agreements between God and his people. Hagar, the servant woman to Sarah, had come from Egypt, given to Abraham after Pharaoh had sent Abraham and his entire family away, out of Egypt. As he sent them out, he gave Abraham several servants and livestock. Hagar was one of these that came from Pharaoh, leaving Egypt with Abraham. In short, Hagar was a slave and would remain a slave. She only became a wife to Abraham because Sarah had given her to Abraham in an attempt to have a child, given that it seemed that Sarah was no longer able to have children.

Hagar represented the covenant that God made with his people through the Law. He gave the Israelites the Law and said that, if they will follow the Law, God would be their God and they would be his people. If they kept the Law…

So like Hagar, the Israelites were slaves to the Law. If they wanted to be God’s people, they must follow the Law. And of course they didn’t follow the Law, and in fact they found that it was impossible to follow the Law. No one was able to follow it completely. No human was able to fulfill the Law completely.

On the other hand, Sarah was Abraham’s one, legitimate wife. She represented freedom. She represented the promise. God had given Abraham a promise that his descendents would be like the stars in the sky, but he didn’t even have a son. He didn’t even have one descendent, let alone his descendents being numbered like the stars in the sky.

Yet God had given a promise, and his promise would be fulfilled. In fact, God told Abraham that it would be fulfilled through Sarah, not through Hagar. Even though God would bless Hagar’s son Ishmael, God would make his covenant with Isaac, not with Ishmael. God would be the God of Isaac, Sarah’s son. She was the free woman. She was the one through whom God’s promise would be fulfilled. Not the slave woman, but the free woman.

In the same way, God made a new covenant with his people. Jesus said that his blood would be poured out as a sign of the new covenant. It would be for the forgiveness of all people. And this forgiveness would allow people to enter into the presence of God. Not because they have somehow been good religious people, but because they have received the promise that has been given to them by faith in the blood of Christ which allows them to enter into God’s kingdom.

Paul therefore asks the Galatian church: Is that really what you want? Do you really want to enter back into slavery by the Law? Do you even know what that means?

Of course they don’t understand it! Otherwise, they would have never chosen that particular path. Otherwise, they would have rejected the Judaizer’s message immediately. They would have said that they were God’s people as a result of the promise that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, not as a result of being good religious people.

The good news – in fact, the best news! – is that this promise is for all people. It was available to the Galatians, but it is also available to us today. We can be God’s people by believing God. We can be God’s people by receiving the promise, by placing our faith in Christ, that his death and resurrection will allow us to live, allow us to receive the promise that God has given. In this way, we will not be children born to the slave woman, but instead, children of the promise born to be free.


The Promise of the Spirit

One of the greatest challenges, I believe, for those that seek God, is to understand how to reach him. In fact, that is the central issue, the one primary question.

Here are some examples of responses that I have heard to this question: How can we reach God? How can we come to him?

1. Well, I believe that if I am a good person, then someday God will judge me and allow me to enter heaven.

In this case, the person is trying to be “good”. Of course, the problem with this way of reaching God is that it is based on our sense of what the word good means, not God’s sense of what good means. God is a perfect God. He is a holy God, completely righteous and without so much as a blemish. So for each of us, even with one blemish, we are no longer holy. We are no longer perfect, so we cannot be with God.

2. We must pray to him five times a day. We must offer money to the poor. We must take a trip to a holy city and walk around a stone several times…

Or said another way, we must do the good works that our religion requires. This is what will allow us to come to God.

In this second case, you have a person who is trying to reach God by their good religious works. They want to not just be a good person, but they want to be a good religious person, doing lot of good religious works. Their religion has said that they need to do X to reach God, so they do X. Their religion has said that they need to do Y to reach God, so they do Y.

But of course, the question in this case is whether or not we have done enough religious works. Have I really followed everything that my religion requires? Is there more that I should do? And the answer is always, invariably, yes. There is more that I could do. There is more that I should do. This person is left with doubt and continues to struggle in their attempt to reach God through their religious works.

3. I believe. I have faith. And because of this, God will allow me to come to him.

In this case, the main question is this: What is it that you believe in? In what are you placing your faith? You say you have faith, but in what?

This is the primary question of our day for those who seek God, and not surprisingly, it was the same question that the people of Biblical times struggled with as well. The Apostle Paul risked his life, over and over, to be able to communicate the answer to his question to people everywhere that he went and even when they had believed what he had said, they continued to struggle.

Case in point: Paul had taken the message of Christ to the Galatian churches, those in Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. Paul spoke of the kingdom of God and our ability to come to God through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Paul told them that they must put their faith in that sacrifice so that they would be purified, that we may be forgiven so that we may be seen by God as clean, holy and perfect in the eyes of God.

Many people in those cities had believed and followed Paul’s teaching, and yet now there Judaizers who were coming to those churches, telling them that they must, essentially, also become Jewish, following all of the the Law given by God to the Israelites.

In short, the Judaizers were saying that these new believers needed to do all of the good religious works to be saved. They needed to follow the Law. They needed to do all of the things that the Law requires. And some of the Galatians were convinced.


Because there is something within us that wants to tell God how we will reach him. Not listen to God tell us what we must do or how we can know him. No, we want to continue to listen to the lie that Satan told Adam and Eve in the garden, that we can be like him. We can call the shots. We can be our own gods.

So we create our own religions, and we invent our own ways, and we create our own promises. We do everything except what God himself has told us to do.

God has called us to receive the promise that he has given to us. Paul says it this way:

He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.

Galatians 3:14

God blessed Abraham with the blessing of knowing him. God would be Abraham’s God, and Abraham would be the first amongst God’s people. God would be Abraham’s inheritance, his great reward and that promise would be given not only to him but also to his seed. Not seeds, but seed, and that promise would culminate in the promise arriving to the point of the Seed of Abraham, namely Jesus, who would fulfill the promise of God, making God known to all people.

God did all of the work. It is his plan, and it is all for his glory. Not ours. Nothing happened in our relationship with God because we made it happen. Believing this would nullify the death of Christ on the cross.

But that is exactly the intent of many people today. They prefer to nullify God’s plan. They prefer to nullify the death of Christ on the cross and instead become their own god. But this is not the plan of the one, true God. No, this plan will pass away along with the people that believe their own lies and pass them along to others. The only plan that will last forever is the promise that was originally given to Abraham and that which has reached us even today. It is the promise of the Spirit that we receive by faith in Christ, our creator, redeemer, and king, the one that has saved us and whom we will serve forever.


He explained the kingdom of God

Paul had been shipwrecked on the island of Malta along with the rest of the people from the ship on which he was being taken to Rome. After three months, he left and started moving north, stopping in Syracuse and then passing to the north, just off of the coast of where we live today. They made a couple of other stops on their way north to Rome and then finally arrived in Rome where he intentionally connects with the local Jewish leaders, even calling them to his house to talk with them.

They were willing to listen for a time, but when Paul brought them to teach them about Christ, he emphasized the teaching of the kingdom of God:

They arranged to meet Paul on a certain day, and came in even larger numbers to the place where he was staying. He witnessed to them from morning till evening, explaining about the kingdom of God, and from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets he tried to persuade them about Jesus.

Acts 28:23

Paul explains to the Jewish leaders the kingdom of God, the Law of Moses, and the Prophets. But why are these points the emphasis of Paul’s discussion with the Jews? Two main reasons:

First, the Jews believed, and in fact many still believe, that the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants are the covenants that they had with God. But Paul is explaining that there is now a different reality, a different way in which they must come to God. God had told Abraham and Moses both that he would be their God and they would be his people. To Abraham, God said that they must circumcise their males as a sign of their people, and to Moses, God reminded him that he and all of the people must obey his commandements. And if they will do that, then the covenant would remain in effect.

Of course, the Israelites had not only disobeyed God’s commandments, but they had also renounced their allegiance to God as their king. They said that they wanted a human king just like all of the nations around them. And right along with that desire came their ongoing worship of the other “gods” of the other nations.

So as Jesus came, he came preaching the kingdom of God. Why? Because in Christ, Jesus came to reclaim what was rightly his, his kingdom of people on the earth.

Of course, as the Israelites heard him, they assumed that the kingdom of God meant the nation of Israel. They were still thinking about the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants. But those covenants had been broken long ago, and at the Last Supper, Jesus explained that there was now a new covenant, a covenant that was established by his blood. Those that placed their faith in Jesus’s blood would be his people. And in fact, his blood would be offered to all people, not just to the Israelites. The offering of the covenant was now expanded to everyone, not just the Israelites any longer.

Paul also explained the Law and the Prophets to the Jewish leaders. He did this to help the Jews understand that Jesus is the king in the kingdom of God. The Law and the Prophets spoke of the Messiah, the one who would come to rule over his people. This Messiah was predicted to have done many amazing things, whether to have been born of a virgin, to have been killed despite being innocent, and to have been resurrected from the dead.

Of course, the only person to have fulfilled all of these prophecies, and many more, was Jesus. And so Paul explained all of these things to the Jews. They would hear and decide whether or not they would believe.

Some would believe. Unfortunately, others would not. Those that would not would reject Israel’s true king, the one Messiah, Jesus Christ. They would reject becoming part of true kingdom of God, where all are welcome who would follow him.

Instead, those that would believe by placing their faith in his blood as a payment for their sins, they would become part of the kingdom of God. They would live for Christ as their king, doing all that he had commanded the people of his kingdom to do.

This was the teaching of Jesus, inviting people to enter into his kingdom, the kingdom of God, through his blood. And this also was the teaching of Paul, that we all, both Israelites and Gentiles, can enter into the kingdom through Christ and the payment of sins. The blood of Jesus is the blood of the new covenant and the new covenant establishes those that are part of God’s kingdom and those that are not. Those that place their faith in Christ’s blood and make him the king of their lives become a part of the kingdom of God.

But unfortunately, those that do not will become like the Jews who reject Paul, and ultimately reject Christ. In fact, Paul quotes Isaiah back to the Jews as they reject his message, and it should continue to be a warning to us even today:

“You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”
For this people’s heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.

Acts 28:26-27

You must stand trial

Paul was headed to Rome. Following his hearings with Felix, Festus, and subsequently also with King Agrippa, Paul was headed to Rome with the centurion Julius, whose job it was to make sure that he made it.

They had left in a bad season in which to be sailing and had run into a storm that would eventually force them and the boat that they were on, which included 276 people on board, to run aground on the island of Malta, off course from where they had intended to turn right to go along the coast of Sicily and through the Strait of Messina.

But despite the fact that they would run aground, an angel had appeared to Paul and told him that they would all live. They would all be saved:

But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.”

Acts 27:22-26

As the angel came to give this message to Paul, he was simply confirming the message that Jesus had previously given. Paul would go to Rome, and just has he had testified before the other officials, he would also testify for Christ to the head of the Roman Empire himself, directly to Caesar.

God’s plan would not be stopped. Paul would go to Rome just as Jesus had said that he would. Paul would speak of Christ, the King of kings before the king himself. He would tell him of God’s anointed one, the one who would truly rule, not only over Israel, not only over the Roman empire, but over the entire earth.

This is the same one that we are waiting upon even today. God was not late when he sent Jesus and he will not be late when he sends him again. He will come at precisely the right time, just as he did before. God’s plan for Paul was fulfilled just as he said it would be, and his plan for the return of the King will be fulfilled. We do not know yet when, but we must continue to wait for the Lord to complete his plan because his will will be done.


In accordance with the Law and the Prophets

Paul had been taken before Felix, the governor of the area, to stand trial and avoid the lynching that the Jews had planned for him. After some time, Ananias, the high priest, and some of the elders came to level their accusations at him and accused him of starting riots and desecrating the temple, neither of which had Paul actually done.

As Paul took his turn at his defense, he took the opportunity to speak of what he believed, explaining even that he was actually not opposed to what the Jews spiritually believed, but instead whole-heartedly agreed with them. So much so that he looked all of the way back into the beginning and foundations of both their faith and his, that which we call the Old Testament today, but which Paul simply referred to as the Law and the Prophets:

However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets, and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.

Matthew 24:14-15

Paul is explaining that he, as a Pharisee, but also a follower of the Way – a way of saying that he is a Christian – believed what they believed as well. He believed in the resurrection. He believed that the Law the Prophets were not opposed to what he believed. Instead, he believed that they specifically pointed toward Jesus!

The Sadducees and the Pharisees were the ruling parties within the Sanhedrin. They had many differences, but for context and to highlight what Paul is saying, some of the most notable were these:

The Sadducees did not believe in an afterlife. The Pharisees believed in a punishment or reward by God for the life that you lived on earth.

The Sadducees, therefore, neither believed in the possibility of the resurrection, but the Pharisees did.

The Sadducees did not believe in a spiritual world with angels and demons, whereas the Pharisees did.

Paul had a background as a Pharisee. He grew up a Pharisee and most certainly believed in the afterlife, but based on his encounter with Jesus and understanding of the reason that Jesus had come, Paul had broken with the Pharisaical view that a person’s reward or punishment in the afterlife was simply based on whether they were good or bad people, or whether they had committed too many sins that God wouldn’t forgive and allow the person to enter heaven.

Instead, Paul followed the Way, a name presumably taken from Jesus’s statement in John 14:6 that he is the way, the truth, and the life. This group went well beyond the Pharisees, believing that Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses, to which the Pharisees and Sadducees supposedly adhered. Jesus, unlike any other person ever to walk the earth, never sinned. He followed the Law completely and was therefore perfect. No man could do this, yet Jesus was not only a man. He was born of the Holy Spirit, not from a man, and so he was both a man and God himself.

Paul said that he also believed the Prophets. The Prophets made many claims about what the Messiah would do, and those claims, those prophecies, were fulfilled, both in the purpose and in the specific actions of Jesus. The Prophets claimed that the Messiah would be, for example, born from a virgin, would be killed, and would rise again from the dead, among many other actions. Of course, each of these things came true in Jesus Christ.

So Paul claims that he is in direct agreement with the Law and the Prophets. In fact, he might have even thought that he believed them even more than the other Pharisees because he believed that they were both true, and that the prophecies had actually come true! The books of the Law and the Prophets had become true in the person of Jesus, and this is what Paul based both his faith and all of the rest of his life.


The Hope of the Resurrection of the Dead

Paul wasn’t above using political or religious systems to work that particular system to his advantage. Paul routinely found himself in trouble, whether it was before the local soldiers, governors, and magistrates or, as we see here in Acts 23, before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council.

Having been hit on the orders of the high priest as a result of having said that he had fulfilled his duty to God, Paul was off to a pretty bad start as he stood before this council. However, he had an idea, a plan about how he could bring the council itself to a deadlock and get out of this situation:

Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, “My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead.” When he said this, a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided. (The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.)

Acts 23:6-8

Paul spoke both well and truthfully. He was right. He was on trial because of his hope of the resurrection of the dead. As a Pharisee, he had believed in the idea that there would one day be a resurrection. However, he had also lived this truth because he had encountered Jesus first-hand. He knew that Jesus had been killed on the cross and yet Jesus had also subsequently confronted Paul as he was on the road to Damascus.

Paul knew that God resurrected men because he had experienced it. He had seen it. He saw Jesus, and he placed his faith in him such that God would one day resurrect him, through Christ, as well.

So this was Paul’s true conviction, that he was there as a result of his hope. His hope was based on Christ’s resurrection and that one day he would be resurrected as well.

But it wasn’t just his spiritual conviction that caused Paul to say that he was on trial for his hope in the resurrection. Paul had grown up studying to be a Pharisee, so he was well-versed in the differences between being a Pharisee and a Sadducee. He knew very well that the Pharisees and the Sadducees, while both Jewish leaders, were in heavy disagreement on the question of the resurrection.

Paul also knew that, by saying that he was on trial for his hope in the resurrection, he would immediately bring this disagreement to the surface between his accusers. The members of the Sanhedrin were generally united in their opposition against Paul as a result of his preaching and teaching of Jesus as the Messiah, but as soon as Paul introduced the idea of the resurrection of the dead, they were suddenly divided, a situation that was definitely to Paul’s advantage because now they were no longer focused on him, but instead focused upon one another. Their argumentative fire was aimed within and not at Paul.

Given this situation and Paul’s cleverness, I can’t help but remember in this situation what Jesus had told his disciples as he sent them out to testify about him:

But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Matthew 10:19-20

Jesus was specifically speaking, at that time, about the disciples being brought before governors and kings, but it seems to me that this is a pretty similar situation. Paul was on trial for his life. And how does he handle the situation? He seems to have incredible insight, supernatural insight and quick-wittedness, especially given the situation. His ability to think clearly allowed him to speak an important spiritual truth while also using the spiritual arguments that were also political lines that were drawn between the Pharisees and Sadducees, enough to quickly be taken away by the Roman guard who was overseeing his fate before these Jewish leaders.

To me, this all points back to an important truth: Our role is to speak of the reality of Christ, but as we do so, we must continually remember that he is with us as we do. Jesus is there with us as we go, in power as well as wisdom, and he calls upon us to use what he has given to us. He has given us hope. He has given us the story that we are to take to others. But most importantly, he has given us himself, going with us in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit living within us to take the message that we can be reconciled back to God in Jesus through our hope of the resurrection of the dead.


Paul stopped making tents

It was important for Paul to take some time to work, making tents with Priscilla and Aquila. After having traveled through Macedonia, then down to Athens, and now over to Achaia to the city of Corinth, he was by himself, and I surmise that he had run out of money. He needed a way to eat. He needed a way to find shelter, but his resources had run low.

In that case, it made sense for him to stop evangelizing, stop preaching and teaching as his full-time work. He needed to resupply himself, so he started working alongside of Priscilla and Aquila.

After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them, and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.

When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah.

Acts 18:1-5

Yet God used this time as well. Paul stayed with them and worked with them and this time became very fruitful. We see Priscilla and Aquila go on to be instrumental in the start of the church in Ephesus, and then they are mentioned later in Paul’s letter to the Romans, so they had later returned to Rome, where they were from originally, to be part of starting and the church there as well. Beyond this, they also taught and discipled Apollos, who would himself end up back in Corinth to continue to teach the same people where Paul had met Priscilla and Aquila.

Even while Paul was making tents, he would still go to the synagogue on the Sabbath. He was still teaching and preaching. He was still doing the work of the Lord.

But the point that I want to make here is that there came a time when Silas and Timothy arrived to find Paul there in Corinth. They had followed his footsteps from Macedonia down to Athens and then over to Corinth, finally reaching him there. But when they arrived, what did Paul do? He returned back to preaching and teaching full time.

Why was he able to do that? While it doesn’t say it here specifically in Acts 18, Silas and Timothy had brought an offering from the Macedonian churches, probably specifically from Philippi. Paul makes reference to this offering in both his letter to the Philippians as well as his later letter back to the Corinthians:

Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid more than once when I was in need.

Philippians 4:15-16

And when I was with you and needed something, I was not a burden to anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied what I needed. I have kept myself from being a burden to you in any way, and will continue to do so.

2 Corinthians 11:9

So there came a time at which Paul stopped making tents. He was able to do that because of the financial support that he received from the church in Philippi. And when he did receive that support, he stopped making tents and returned back to doing that which God had called him to do full-time.

Paul did what he needed to do for the time that he needed to do it, but he also knew the calling that he had received from the Lord, that the Holy Spirit had called him into service for a specific work to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. He would take the word of God across present-day Lebanon, Turkey, North Macedonia, and Greece, and his work would result in many others coming to know the Lord because his teaching would be repeated and spread into several other locations. He needed to do the work full-time, not holding to a notion that he must continue to make tents to support himself, but instead using the resources provided by the Lord, from the harvest field, for the work of continuing to see the kingdom of God continue to spread amongst those who had not yet heard.