
Get the Doctor – Mark 2

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Mark 2:17

Jesus has no problem in entering Levi’s house, sitting with his friends, the tax collectors and the sinners, staying with them, eating and drinking together with them. But the Pharisees see what Jesus is doing and criticizes Jesus for being with those who need him even more. They are spiritually sick and need the doctor. And the doctor, Jesus, has come to make them well.

If only we, as the church, would take the same view as Jesus. We routinely say that we want to see the lost saved, but we take little to no action to do what Jesus did. We have not gone to share the Gospel, we have not made many, if any, disciples of Jesus, and we have not taught many, if any, people to make disciples of others. And what is worse, we instead stand in the way, creating special classes of Christians that can do religious works like baptisms or lead the Lord’s Supper.

And all that we have to do is to learn to go where the sick people are instead of keeping them collected in our hospitals.

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